Whether you’re planning a family shoot, booking a wedding photographer or getting headshots done for your business, one thing that plagues a lot of people when they book a professional photographer is anxiety about what they will look like in the final pictures? Will they be good enough? Will they look overweight? What will other people think?
As a photographer this both frustrates and saddens me, I work with a whole range of beautiful people in all shapes and sizes and every single of them is good enough for the camera, the only thing lacking for some is confidence. I work closely with my clients to put them at ease, boost their self esteem and show them how to step into the best version of themselves but if you are really concerned and would like some tips to give you a head start before you get to the big day then this post is for you.
Getting comfortable with yourself and how you look in a mirror will help you in front of the camera. Practice posing, see what angles of yourself you prefer and experiment with facial expressions.There is no one there but you and the mirror so use this as a chance to start having fun and play with the moment, loosen yourself up and remind yourself how amazing you are. Focus on the features you love most about yourself and consider how to draw attention to them. Not only does this activity provide a fun playful way to prepare for the big day but when you get in front of a professional you already know what you look like and what angles you prefer.
Depending on the type of shoot you are having take the time to research the styles you like before hand. They differ a great deal and the more you look other examples, the more clarity you will get about what you like and equally important; what you don’t like. This research is pointless though if you don’t communicate your findings with your photographer, be clear and confident as you express what you want. It’s important you find a photographer that you feel able to talk freely to so that this is possible.
Too often we get caught up on what other people think about us and this stops us from confidently sharing our best self. The truth is no-one else matters but you and most of the time, no-one cares anyway because they are too busy worrying about themselves. Don’t let the fear of what other people think stop you from blooming.
The clothes you wear are hugely influential on your confidence on the day but don’t just think about how good they look, also focus on how they make you feel. You want to be able to relax in front of the camera so the last thing you need is tight leather pants that you can’t breathe in! The same goes for hair and makeup, if you’re not used to getting ‘done up’ keep it simple so you don’t feel conscious. Remember the whole point of a photo shoot is to capture you so you don’t need to pretend to be anyone else. If your look makes you feel comfortable this will come across in your images. Of course if it’s a wedding shoot you’re booking then a whole new blog could be written on the subject!
When a client is having fun with the experience it’s easy to see in the photos. Playfulness are a joy to capture so even if you are nervous, approach the day with the intention of having fun and keep your focus on this throughout.
Part of this is being able to enjoy the time you are spending with your photographer so finding one you like and you can feel comfortable with is essential. If you would like to find out if I could be the photographer for you then connect with me today for a free consultation.
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